Monday, May 18, 2020

The Effects Of Sports On Sports Participation - 1631 Words

Sports participation often involves close physical contact, sharing of facilities and equipment which provides an opportunity for the transmission of communicable disease primarily through: ï‚ § Direct Contact. Occurs between an infected person/animal and healthy individual via physical contact with skin, mucosa and other bodily fluids and/or ï‚ § Indirect Contact. Results from contact with contaminated sources such as air, water, soil, food, insects and fomites. (Carney et al., 2010 p.4). This raises concern as physical fitness is an essential RAF requisite; all personnel must maintain a level of fitness that is subject to annual assessment (RAF, 2016). To facilitate this requirement, the RAF provides most Stations with a wide range†¦show more content†¦Viral diseases such as Rhinovirus (common cold), Norovirus and measles can be spread through airborne or droplet transmission as pathogens are expelled from the body through coughing and/or sneezing. Although, people are encouraged to cover the face with their hands when coughing/sneezing this practice can exacerbate spread of infection, 40% of rhinoviruses remain infectious on hands after one hour (NHS, 2015). Infected individuals may inadvertently contaminate individuals and fomites such as; door handles, weights and gym mats through touch. Goldhammer et al’s (2006) study on bacterial and viral contamination of exercise equipment before and after cleaning supports this assumption as viral contaminat ion was found on 63% of hand-contact surfaces of the equipment, with Rhinovirus being the most prominent. Thus indicating that exercise equipment serve as potential fomites in transmission of viral diseases. ï‚ § Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (SSTIs). Due to frequent physical contact, trauma and/or friction, excessive sweating, occlusive (air restrictive) clothing and communal use of equipment and facilities SSTIs are prominently reported in sports (Narvani, ThomasShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Extracurricular Activities On Sports Participation795 Words   |  4 Pagestheorists criticize that the extracurricular activities takes valuable time from the family, relaxation and leisure time, especially sport participation requires more and more time due to its increase in competiveness and amount of practice (Melman et al., 2008; Shaw et al., 1996 in Fredericks, 2012). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Understanding Slaves During The 20th Century - 1239 Words

Luis Sandoval Ewa Unoke American Government 2 December 2014 Understanding Slaves In The Americas From the early human civilizations until the nineteenth century the practice of people owning people was a common feature in societies everywhere. Early slavery was far different from what it ultimately transformed into. War prisoners, criminals, and debtors were the common slaves during the first thousand years of civilization. It was up until the fifteenth century where slavery took a huge turn for the worst for slaves. In southeastern Nigeria an ethnic group referred as Igbo people or Ibo (wrongfully spelled by British colonialists) were one of the first to unfortunately experience the Africa to the Americas slave trade. I believe that in order to understand this piece of tragic in history one must get inside a deformed conscience. We need to look at key aspects such as viewing slaves as they were; human beings, and as they were viewed from slavers; an economic commodity. Long before European slavers arrived on the West African coast line, Africans had traded with Europeans through middle traders in North Africa. The practice of slavery was common as well but in a different form. Most enslaved people were serving punishment of crimes or captured in battle. There were cases in which slaves could work to buy their freedom, and children from enslaved people were not automatically slaves later on. This type of slavery was a norm, and the mentality about it seemed fair in thatShow MoreRelatedThe Life Of Frederick Douglass, Web Dubois, And Booker T Washington1323 Words   |  6 Pagesthese people have been subjected to subhuman cruelty. In America, the turning point for this mistreatment was the late 19th century and early 20th century. With the civil war and the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, slaves and free African Americans gained more freedom. 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False Advertising and Commercial Speech

Question: Discuss about the False Advertising and Commercial Speech? Answer: ASA ASA stands for Advertising Standard Authority. The authority is the independent regulator of advertising in UK across all the networks of media. The authorities apply the advertising codes which are generally written up by the committees of the Advertising practice. How ASA works ASA helps consumer and other by acting on their complaints and taking necessary action whenever or wherever it is needed. If there is any misleading, harmful advertisement that is being broadcasted and if the authority gets any complaint regarding it, they xcheck on it and make sure correct decisions are taken. Two banned advertisements Two banned adverts by ASA are: News UK and Ireland Ltd t/a The Sun Paddy Power plc About the advertisements The Paddy Power plc ad was about the athlete Oscar Pistorius. At that time, his trials were about to begin for the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. The Ad stated ITS OSCAR TIME, MONEY BACK IF HE WALKS and WE WILL REFUND ALL LOSING BETS ON THE OSCAR PISTORIUS TRIAL IF HE IS FOUND NOT GUILTY. The News UK and Ireland Ltd t/a The Sun ad was about a date with aPage 3 girl to whoever who had a bigger and better team. Why was the ad complained The Sun ad was complained as people believed that by offering a date with a Page 3 girl, the prize was sexist and it also objectified women ( Advertising agencies, 19925). Many also felt that providing a date with Page 3 girl was giving people incentive to gamble. The Power Paddy plc ad was reported to consider being very offensive. The ASA also realized that the ad brought advertising into the category of disrepute. Who dealt with complaints In both the cases, the matters were taken into consideration by the ASA and looked upon. Judgments were passed and results were announced on what had to be done with the advertisements. Subject to legislation The Paddy Power plc Ad broke the legislation, the CAP Code (Edition 12) rules 4.1 and 4.3 which were harm and offence. The Sun ad broke the CAP Code (Edition 12) rules 1.3 (Responsible Advertising), 8.7 which is sales and promotions, 4.1 which is harm and offence and 16.1, gambling. Outcome Both the ads were upheld and it was told that they shouldnt be broadcasted again in their current forms. It was said that in future, no other adverts should contain similar information which would cause disrespect or harm to anyone. Reason of the outcome The issues were discussed by the authorities and it was seen that the issues were serious which caused harm and offence and some other problems to various people (Tyagi Kumar, 2004). These were the reason why actions were taken and the adverts were upheld. My opinion I personally feel that correct decision was made as no Ad should hurt anyones sentiments or feelings. It should just focus on its main point and not use any person as an advantage. The Ad got correctly banned and right fines were made against it. References Advertising agencies, 19925. False Advertising and Commercial Speech: Protecting Your Clients from Public and Private Threats. New York City: Practising Law Institute. Tyagi, C. Kumar, A., 2004. Advertising Management. New Delhi, India: Atlantic Publishers Dist.